
On this page, I have collected other artifacts that represent things I have learned, or simply found to be interesting.

Word clouds from "Wordle."

I came across a website, , which contains a wide array of educational games and programs for free use. There, I found a program called "Wordle," which creates word clouds from text, arranging words by size, according to their frequency of use in the text. I thought it was a great visual representation of different pieces of literature, and helped to transmit main ideas and themes in an artistic way. Here, I created a Wordle Cloud from the text of "The Raven," by Edgar Allan Poe:

During work on the JIGSAW project, another student in class did research on Glogster creates interactive posters that can contain all sorts of media files and links to click on. I was so fascinated with this site, that I spent some time creating a glog of my own. I decided to create my glog as though it were an assignment for my class, but I think that a great assignment for students would be to create their own glog, in order to show their understanding of a topic.
I have embedded a small version of my glog below, but there is an icon that will allow you to view it full-size. Please check it out, because it is really a nice tool to present a wide variety of infomation and media in an interesting format! This particular glog deals with The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, and contains a variety of background and historical information that relates to the novel and its time period. I feel like it would be a wonderful assignment to use when introducing a new text. It would allow students to actively participate in their own learning, rather than sitting back and tuning out of a boring lecture.

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