Class Blog

In the course of my EDCT 264 class, I was tasked with posting an annotated bibliography to our collective class blog. Though at first I thought an annotated bibliography was an odd thing to post to a blog, the assignment was valuable because it integrated technology with academic skills that I may need to utilize in the future. In the course of completing this assignment, I was able to practice skills not only in using technology, but also in research and evaluation of information. Additionally, I was able to share my research with my fellow students on the blog itself, as well as during a brief impromptu presentation of my blog post during class.
After completing my class blog posting, I thought about how much information exists on The Internet. I wondered how my own future students could be expected to deal with information on such a massive scale, when it was time consuming for me, as a college student, to sort through articles of all kinds in order to find the useful pieces I was looking for. As a result of completing this assignment, I realize that as a teacher of any subject, it is my responsibility to teach my own students how to think critically and question the integrity of everything they encounter not only on The Internet, but in all media and personal outlets. A language arts teacher is not just a language arts teacher, nor is a science or history teacher just a science or history teacher. I believe that it has become increasingly important for educators to work together across all disciplines, and create a curriculum that will address the skills required for students to thoughtfully locate, evaluate, and use information of all kinds to their advantage.
INTASC Standards addressed during the completion of this assignment include:

4. The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
6. The teacher uses knowledge of of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.

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