Digital Scrapbook

Prior to taking Educational Technology, I took an online section of Introduction to the Education Profession. The Intro class covered a wide variety of information, and included a field experience in the classroom. The culminating project for this class was a scrapbook of course themes, which was to be created digitally. I have since created a video slide show of the digital scrapbook I created, and posted it below. In order to view the pages best, I recommend viewing the video in full screen mode. Below the INTASC Standards, you may also view several pages of my scrapbook in higher resolution.

Creating the digital scrapbook for my Introduction to the Education Profession class really gave me time to reflect on all the information that was presented. Browsing The Internet and books for ideas of what to include in my scrapbook helped make me more aware of the current state of education in the United States. The actual creation of the project, as well as this video from it taught me how to use Windows Live Movie Maker as well as photo editing software. I am very happy with the way my scrapbook turned out, and I know that the technological tools I used in creating it will be useful to me as a teacher, when I need to create engaging lessons for my students.
INTASC standards applicable to this project:
1. The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful to students.
3. The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners.


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