About Me

 Greetings from cyberspace!!

My name is Sarah Burgett, and I am currently an education student at Lorain County Community College in Elyria, Ohio. I aspire to complete my bachelor's degree by 2015, and become licensed to teach language arts in grades 7-12.

I have been happily married for over six years now, and I am the proud mother of three wonderful children. I have made it my mission to complete my education, and show my children that it is never too late, and that they too, are capable of reaching their goals if they are willing to put in the effort!

I have long had a love of words-- written and spoken-- and I look forward to passing that love on to young adults as a professional educator.

 Technological Skills:

I am competent in the use of Microsoft Office, including Word and Excel. I am knowledgable in the areas of social networking, blogging, wikis, and WebQuests, and feel comfortable integrating such current technologies into the classroom. I have experience with SMARTboards, and am prepared to learn other technologies as needed.

My Resume:

Please click on the images below to enlarge my resume.

 Links to My Favorite Educational Websites:

The Library of Congress
The Library of Congress website contains a huge amount of historical information and artifacts. Of particular interest to me are the audio recordings of American speeches, as well as a selection of manuscripts that are free for anyone to view.

PBS Teachers
The PBS Teachers website contains a wealth of lesson plans that can be viewed by educators, then tailored to work in their own classrooms. Every teacher needs a to borrow a great idea now and then!

National Council of Teachers of English
The NCTE website is an excellent resource that teachers can use to keep up on current professional developments through reading journal articles. The site also contains a variety of lesson plans for English teachers.

The Onion
What's that you say? The Onion is not an educational resource? What better way to introduce students to the art of satire than through a website that appeals to them? Granted, some care must be taken to keep things appropriate, but it's all worth it when students can be engaged and educated at the same time!

Glogster is an interactive poster-making utility. Students and teachers can create attractive online posters that link to outside websites, and contain a variety of embedded media. This tool can be used as a sort of mini WebQuest, where students can view preselected information that is pertinent to a lesson. For an example of a glog, please see the "more..." page listed in the top tab of my e-portfolio.

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